
United Nations ITLOS Trust Fund Open For Application 2024


ITLOS Trust Fund

Target Audience

International Applicants


Voluntary trust fund to assist States in the settlement of disputes through the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.

United Nations ITLOS Trust Fund Open For Application 2024

Eligibility for Assistance

Assistance may be provided to States parties to the Convention who have, or are about to submit cases to the Tribunal, including its Seabed Disputes Chamber and any other Chamber, and primarily where cases are proceeding to the merits and where jurisdiction is not an issue. Exceptionally, States may be provided with assistance for other phases of proceedings.


Assistance may be granted from the Trust Fund for the following: 

  1. Preparing the application and the written pleadings;
  2. Professional fees of counsel and advocates for written and oral pleadings;
  3. Travel and expenses of legal representation in Hamburg during the various phases of a case; and
  4. Execution of an Order of Judgment of the Tribunal, such as marking a boundary in the territorial sea.

Note: the United Nations will make arrangements for travel funded under this Trust Fund, and in all cases assistance will be provided for travel in economy class airfare which follows the most cost-effective route, arriving the day before the proceedings and departing the evening of the last day of the proceedings, or the following day if necessary for travel-related reasons.

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Eligibility for Assistance

Assistance may be provided to States parties to the Convention who have, or are about to submit cases to the Tribunal, including its Seabed Disputes Chamber and any other Chamber, and primarily where cases are proceeding to the merits and where jurisdiction is not an issue. Exceptionally, States may be provided with assistance for other phases of proceedings.


The State must request the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS) for financial assistance from the Voluntary Trust Fund through its Permanent Mission in New York.

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  1. It must submit a completed application form, providing information on the case and details on the expenditures for which assistance is requested (including copies of estimates or receipts documenting each of these); and
  2. A commitment to supply a certified final statement of account of the expenditures. This is a pre-requisite to the disbursement of assistance from the Trust Fund. The UN cannot disburse funds without receipt from the requesting State of an audited statement of account.


ITLOS Application Form




Jacinth Chivalrous

My name is Jacinth Chivalrous Curie. I completed my higher education from Chinhoyi University Technology. I have a bachelor's degree in Animal Production And Technology and 1st Class Certificate In Bioinformatics And Artificial Insemination.I Worked with the Chinhoyi University At the cattle breeding program for 4years. A Consultant In Local Farms. Holds An Online Certificate in Digital Marketing from a Germany based Company Afrolink I have participated in numerous educational programs and young leaders youth innovation forums. I therefore created Unitednations Recruit based on Critical skills acquired from Campus Lifestyle A life changing youth empowerment Forum to assist other young Entrepreneurs around the world with Critical skills.

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