ILO Paid Internship On Decent Work In Supply Chains 2024 Apply Online
ILO Internship Programme provides an opportunity for talented individuals to: increase understanding of relevant issues at the international level by involving them directly in the work of the Office and the application of ILO principles, programmes and strategies;
ILO Paid Internship On Decent Work In Supply Chains 2024 Apply Online
The ILO values diversity. We welcome applications from qualified women and men, particularly those with disabilities and from non- or under- represented member States. If you are unable to complete our online application form due to a disability, please send an email to BKK_HR@ilo.org
(b) gain practical experience with the ILO directly related to their field of study.
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The internship programme is not intended to lead to a career in the ILO. There should be no expectation of further employment at the end of the internship.
It is highly recommended that you submit your application as soon as possible to avoid last minute technical issues or delays. Late applications will not be considered.
Please only apply for an internship if you fulfil the following two criteria:
(1) You have no close relative serving in the ILO.
(2) This is your first internship with the ILO (only one internship is permitted).
The primary objective of the Decent Work Team for East and South-East Asia and the Pacific (DWT/BKK) is to provide technical support to the work of ILO Country Offices (Bangkok, Beijing, Hanoi, Jakarta, Manila and Suva) in assisting governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations in East and South-East Asia and the Pacific in their efforts to promote decent work. This technical support covers a wide range of specific subjects within the four core areas of the ILO’s mandate; these are rights at work, employment, social protection and social dialogue.
AP/SUPPLYCHAIN coordinates the implementation of the ILO strategy on decent work in supply chains adopted by the Governing Body in March 2023 and supports Office efforts to promote policy coherence on decent work in supply chains, including through trade and investments policies, across the UN system and other relevant partners.
Learning areas
The intern will work closely with the Regional Coordinator for Decent Work in Supply Chains, supporting the implementation of the Priority Action Programme on Supply Chains (AP/SC) in Asia and the Pacific.
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The intern should expect to:
– Gain practical experience in designing and executing a high-level regional policy forum on trade, investment, and decent work.
– Learn about ILO strategies to build partnerships with multilateral organizations, financial institutions, and donors.
Required profile
Law, political science, economics, public policy, or related fields. The candidate should be enrolled in their final year of graduate degree programme or should have completed such a programme no longer than 1 years ago (mandatory)
Knowledge of fundamental principles and rights at work particularly in relation to freedom of association and the effective recognition of the rights of collective bargaining, trade and investment policies, and responsible business conduct and corporate due diligence in supply chains.
Fluency (both oral and written) in English. Working knowledge of at least one of the ILO’s official languages (French, Spanish) or language spoken in the Asia and the Pacific region desirable.
How to apply:
1. Search for an internship profile via the page on ILO Jobs
2. Select the internship profile you would like to apply for, and create a profile on ILO Jobs
3. Complete your candidate profile and apply to the internship profile
4. Be sure to attach a cover letter in the last section of the application, as applications without a cover letter will not be considered and you cannot attach a cover letter after the deadline.
Selection process:
Following a first screening by the Human Resources Development Department (HRD), field office hiring managers will short-list applicants. You will be directly contacted should an internship opportunity match your profile. If you have not been contacted by any department or field office within six months after your application, you can consider that you have not been selected for this position. If still eligible, you may apply to the next roster.
If shortlisted, you may be contacted by the field office for a written test and/or interview. The ILO may use communication technologies such as Skype, Video or teleconference, e-mail, etc for the assessment and evaluation of candidates.
As an intern in the field, you will receive a monthly stipend from the ILO based on the cost of living in the area of the duty station, unless you receive funding through another institution (for example your university or a foundation). If you receive partial funding, ILO will cover the difference to ensure you receive the appropriate stipend per month. Your travel to the duty station will be at your own expense.
Please note that the ILO does not take responsibility for any costs arising from accidents and/or illness incurred during the internship. You will be responsible for your own insurance coverage for illness and accidents for the duration of the internship at the duty station (whether Geneva or the field).
Fraud warning:
The ILO does not charge any fee at any stage of the recruitment process whether at the application, interview, processing or training stage. Messages originating from a non ILO e-mail account – @ilo.org – should be disregarded. In addition, the ILO does not require or need to know any information relating to the bank account details of applicants.
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